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February 17, 2012

Updated: Fall 2011 Student Performance, Meta data

The Fall 2011 Undergraduate Student Performance reports, which contains Term/Cumulative GPA, Credits Completed and Credits Completed Percentage for all campuses, are now available to current students, faculty and staff. Previously, the data was open to a much more limited audience.

Two new pages have been created to help clarify questions about some of the meta information behind the reports on the OIR site. First, the Data Load Schedule. Table contains the approximate schedule for the loading of all of the web based reports and the staff responsible for the data integrity. Second, the My Access page. You must have an UMN internet id (or guest account) to see this report. It shows which secure reports your account is able to access and how to request access.

February 8, 2012

Official Enrollment Statistics: Spring 2012 Released

The Spring 2012 Official Enrollment Statistics data has been loaded. The University of Minnesota system-wide total enrollment for all academic levels is 63,933. For each University of Minnesota Campus: Twin Cities - 48,846, Duluth - 10,938, Crookston - 2,103, Morris - 1,780, Rochester - 266. Visit the Official Enrollment Statistics page for more details.

February 6, 2012

Released: 2011-2012 Common Data Set

The 2011-2012 Common Data Set file is now available for download. Staff member Andrea Galliger has provided a short description of the file:

The Common Data Set (CDS) is a set of information whose content and definitons are agreed upon by data providers in the higher education community as well as publishers represented by the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report. These efforts are aimed at reducing the reporting burden on data providers while improving the accuracy of the information provided. An updated Common Data Set is produced once each academic year.

For more details, visit the Common Data Set Initiative web site:


February 3, 2012

New 2011 Graduation Retention Report

We have now released the inaugural web based version of the Official University of Minnesota Graduation/Retention Report for first-time full-time new entering freshmen, using newly designed data warehouse tables. The report layout is essentially the same as in prior years, but a few minor content changes have been implemented that make some of the numbers slightly different than in the past. These differences are listed below.

A small number of students appear in more than one terms Official Enrollment Report table as a new freshman (NHS) or a new transfer (NAS). In previous reports, these students were included in multiple entry cohorts. Now, they are only represented once, based on the earliest entry term. This change will slightly reduce the size of some of the entering cohorts.

Graduates who are awarded multiple bachelors degrees from different campuses or colleges in the same term are now assigned a graduation status (e.g. Degree Entry Unit, Degree Other Unit, Degree Other Campus) with priority given to their entry campus or college. In the past the status was based on the first degree posted for that term. This change tends to slightly increase the number of Degree Entry Unit counts and decrease the number of Degree Other Unit counts.

Deceased students are now only included in the report if they were awarded a degree. If a degree was not awarded, they are excluded from the base cohorts. In the past, all new entering students were included regardless of deceased status. This is now in synch with Federal regulations.

These three basic changes result in some of the base cohort numbers and status numbers being different than in previous years reports. However these differences are relatively small and generally involve only a few students (less than 10 per cohort)

Please contact the Office of Institutional research if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.