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December 13, 2011

Site Usage: September - November 2011

This update covers September 1st - November 30th, 2011 - 90 days. This quarter featured a few large spikes in traffic due to links in the U of M Brief and 32% increase in visitors as compared to the Summer quarter.


We had 12,746 visits from 9,269 unique visitors during this quarter. Of these visitors, 49,972 pages were viewed, an average of 3.92 per visit. The most visits in one day, 430, occurred on October 26th. This was due to a featured article from University Relations which was featured on the weekly Brief newsletter. Mobile devices accounted for 4.1% of the traffic. Mobile usage has increased steadily over the past year, but is still a small segment of the overall visits.


Who Visited the Site?
Over this quarter we received visits from 86 countries and every state in the US . The top 5 visitor countries (excluding the US) were China, Ecuador, India, Canada and Japan. Chinese language speakers were the largest group of non-native English speaking visitors. The top 5 visitor states (excluding MN) were Illinois, Wisconsin, California, Texas and New York. 4,650 of the visits came from the University of Minnesota network.


Traffic Sources
This month the traffic split was 28% direct / 56% site referral / 16% search engines. A large number of referrals arrive from the Campus Facts page on the umn.edu home page. The Facebook and Wikipedia also contributed a notable amount of traffic. Believe it or not, two visitors came from the University of Minnesota Russian language Wikipedia page.

687 different combinations of search keywords resulted in a visit. The majority of the visits come from a search for "oir", "institutional research", etc, and they generally are recurring visits. The most new visits came from the keywords "hr" and "university of minnesota enrollment 2011"

December 8, 2011

2011 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities NSSE Results

The Office of Institutional Research is pleased to announce the release of the interactive results from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2011 administration. The survey is sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs, coordinated by OIR, and administered by the Center for Postsecondary Research at Indiana University.

These reports are accessible to current faculty, staff and students of the University. They allow for the browsing of overall Twin Cities campus and college level NSSE results, as-well-as comparing responses of First-year students to Senior students.