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October 27, 2010

Degrees & Certificates Awarded: 2009-10 Data Released

Degrees & Certificates Awarded: 2009-10

The data for the 2009-10 academic year has been loaded for the Degrees & Certificates Awarded reports. This includes reports by College, Major and CIP Code as well as trend data by degree level, gender, and Student of Color groups.


October 25, 2010

New Freshman Characteristics: Totals

The data for the New Freshman Characteristics has been updated to include a total row on the percentiles and statistics report for the Twin Cities and Duluth campuses.

Kudos to the users who informed us regarding the missing row.

October 10, 2010

Enrollment Data: Fall 2010 Released

Fall 2010 Data
The Fall 2010 Official Enrollment Statistics and New Freshman Characteristics data has been loaded.

Race/Ethnicity (Multi) Data re-loaded
The Official Enrollment Report for Race/Ethnicity (Multi), the report which also breaks out students who report more than one Race/Ethnicity group, was reloaded. The data counting the international students was incorrect, though the number of affected students was quite low. It should now match the numbers found on the Data Warehouse.

Historical Student Headcounts
The Historical Student Headcounts page was also updated, and corrected. The graph shows only Twin Cities campus, previously the 2009-10 value had 57 extra students from the Rochester campus.

Fall Enrollment Map
We have released a new tool to coincide with the Fall 2010 data, the Enrollment Map. This tool maps the Official Enrollment Home Location Code (HLC) to a latitude and longitude, then using the Google Maps API, places a marker based upon the number of students at the corresponding HLC. Data can be viewed by Term, Campus, Level and College. It is a neat way to visualize the enrollment.


October 1, 2010

Site Usage - Month of September

Our first "month" live has ended. Since the site launched on September 16th, we have a slightly small data set, but we still have enough data to have some fun with numbers! Enjoy a glance into our site usage...

We had exactly 1,000 visits from 579 unique visitors during the month. Of these visitors, 4,279 pages were viewed, an average of 4.29 per visit. The average visitor spent 2 minutes and 55 seconds on the site. The most visitors in one day (92) occurred on Monday, Sept 20th, however, the most page views (544) occurred on Tuesday, Sept 21st. 20% of our visitors have visited the site at least 9 times.

Visitors by Browser: 50.8%, Firefox / 34.9%, Internet Explorer / 7.9%, Safari

Number of Visits by State: 773, Minnesota / 25, Illinois / 15, Texas, Indiana

17 users visited the site via a mobile device (iPad, Cell Phone, etc).

52% of users who visited the home page ended up looking some sort of Student data, 24% at the Official Enrollment Statistics.

Most Viewed Enrollment Reports: 20.3%, Academic Level / 7%, Race/Ethnicity

Most Viewed Freshman Characteristics Report: 14%, ACT Composite / 11% High School Rank

Most Viewed Degrees Awarded Report: 36%, Degrees by College/Major

Traffic Sources
85% of people browsed directly to www.oir.umn.edu. This will likely drop as our site becomes indexed and (hopefully) more highly ranked in search engine results. We have received a small number of hits from Google and Bing, but expect more based on past data.