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March 28, 2011

Enrollment Data: Fall 2010 Registration Status Error

An error was found in the Fall 2010 enrollment Registration Status. Due to an logical error in the loading of the University's Data Warehouse table, 552 students were counted as Re-admit when in reality they were Continuing. The data on our Enrollment Reports and the Data Ware house ps_dwsa_stix_1109_pr table will be corrected in the near future.

March 9, 2011

Site Usage - Month of February

February is the shortest month, but it set the new high water mark for monthly visits and page views. The reasons behind this seems to be the promoting of the SERU survey reports and publications and the NSSE Survey email reminder containing a link back to our site.


We had 2,472 visits from 1,520 unique visitors during the month. Of these visitors, 10,261 pages were viewed, an average of 4.2 per visit. The average visitor spent 5 minutes on the site. The most visitors in one day, 286, occurred on February 10th, which was the day the NSSE survey email was distributed. The most page views, 794, occurred on Feb 9th, during which our SERU reports were linked in a High Ed email list. It's interesting to note that although the NSSE email resulted in a much larger raw number of visits, any link to the SERU survey report resulted in a higher quality visit. Meaning the user actually viewed more than just the page they were linked to and did not immediatly exit the site.


This month we received a visit from every Big Ten University campus network, including the newest member University of Nebraska, Lincoln, besides Northwestern University. In general, the majority of our visits come from the U of M system, the majority of the non-UMN traffic is from other University campuses throughout the nation, and occasionally internationally.


42.% of users who visited the home page ended up looking some sort of Student data. As has been the theme, the biggest changes for content this month has been the survey data, of which the NSSE page and the SERU page and reports had a large gain in views.

The mosted viewed SERU Survey item was the Sense of Belonging question, which a student notes their sense of belonging at the U of M campus.

Miscellanea: Exit% measures when a vistor "leaves" the site. The NSSE and College Portrait page have over 75% of visitors leave the site after viewing the page, while the Enrollment page only has 6% of visitor leave. This is most likely due to the nature of the pages, but interesting nonetheless.

Traffic Sources
This month the traffic split was 56% direct / 23% site referral / 21% search engines. The increase in direct traffic is a red herring as unfortunately the tracking software did not correctly count clicks from emailed links in as a referral. The same can be said for the increase in referral, as a user needs to exit the page to authenticate, which is required for the SERU reports, and then re-enter, so that is counted as a referral.

Top Referring Site
Wikipedia and the U of M Library site were again the big winners when it comes to referral.