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June 30, 2011

Enrollment Map - Mapping Differences

The Enrollment Map has been updated to include two more data views: One Year Difference and Five Year Difference. While the Normalized data view provides a "local impact" at a glance, the difference views show the change over time. The view can reflect a population change (e.g. more students coming from suburban Twin Cities counties because of growth), or results of a recruiting effort (e.g. Undergraduates students from China)

To change the view use the "View" prompt on the far right hand side of the screen (pictured below).


June 29, 2011

Released: May Session 2011 Enrollment

The 2011 May Session Term enrollment data has been released. This report is an Excel file as opposed to the full web-based reports.

May Session Enrollment Reports will become available on this page moving forward.

June 5, 2011

2011 AIR Forum

Several UMN employees presented at the 51st Forum of the Association for Institutional Research (AIR). The Forum is the largest annual conference for institutional research professionals and this year it featured more than 350 concurrent sessions and 60 poster sessions, along with several workshops, professional meetings, and professional development opportunities.

Among the UMN staff in attendance, Len Goldfine and Peter Radcliffe presented "Apples to Apples: Using AAUDE Faculty-by-CIP Data to Account for Discipline Differences in Faculty Salaries" and Christina Frazier and Peter Radcliffe presented "Analyzing Your Financial Health: A Model for Applying Long-Range Planning Scenarios." Additionally, Cathy Wambach and Ronald Huesman presented "Assessing the Impact of a First-Year Learning Community for Less-Prepared and Well-Prepared Students at a Research University" while Krista Soria and Ronald Huesman presented "First-Generation Students' Academic and Social Engagement at Large, Public Research Universities."

June 1, 2011

Site Usage: March - May 2011

For the first 6 months after the release, we were doing a monthly usage overview. For the next few months, we will instead do a quarterly update. This update covers March 1st, 2011 to May 31st, 2011. Over this period we have released some improvements to our mapping, some data fixes, been linked in the U of M Brief and have recently been added to the UMN.edu homepage under About the U > Campus Facts. This has opened up our site to a larger audience.


We had 7,138 visits from 3,844 unique visitors during this quarter. Of these visitors, 30,111 pages were viewed, an average of 4.2 per visit. The average visitor spent 5 minutes on the site. The most visitors in one day, 181, occurred on May 31st. We were featured in the brief on Wednesday March 2nd, this resulted in about 60 extra visits above the average at that time. Mobile devices accounted for only 1.4% of the traffic, including 35 visits on an iPad.


Who Visited the Site?
Over this quarter we received visits from 54 countries and every state in the US besides West Virginia. The top 5 visitor countries (excluding the US) were Canada, China, Ecuador, India and Thailand. The stop 5 visitor states (excluding MN) were Illinois, Wisconsin, California, Texas and Indiana. 4,000 of the visits came from the University of Minnesota network. We received visits from 191 different University and College campuses. That number includes at least one visit from each of the 12 Big Ten institutions.


Traffic Sources
This month the traffic split was 49% direct / 26% site referral / 25% search engines. As noted before, a large number of referrals arrive from the Campus Facts page on the umn.edu home page. The University of Minnesota Wikipedia page also remains a major referring site.

434 different combinations of search keywords resulted in a visit. The overwhelming majority of the visits come from a search for "oir", "institutional research", etc, and they generally are recurring visits. The most new visits came from the keyword "university of minnesota enrollment 2010"

Fun With Staff Searches
66 visits came from people searching for members of our staff. The winners this quarter, in order: Ron Huesman (47!), Krista Soria (8), John Kellog (6).