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February 13, 2013

Official Enrollment Statistics: Spring 2013 Released

The Spring 2013 Official Enrollment Statistics data has been loaded. The University of Minnesota system-wide total enrollment for all academic levels is 64,376. For each University of Minnesota Campus: Twin Cities - 49,180, Duluth - 10,735, Crookston - 2,300, Morris - 1,784, Rochester - 377. Visit the Official Enrollment Statistics page for more details.

February 1, 2013

Enhanced Student Aid Profile

November 2012

The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) rolled out in December 2010 a student aid profile that provided financial aid data on all undergraduate students by campus. A new report is now available and replaces the old report. It can be found under Student Data, Student Financial Support, and contains twelve years of data covering Fall 2000 - Summer 2012 or Aid Years 2001 - 2012. The report now contains financial aid data on the following student types by campus:

Degree-Seeking Undergrads
MN Degree-Seeking Undergrads

Graduate and Professional Students:
Degree-Seeking DENT
Degree-Seeking DOCT
Degree-Seeking LAW
Degree-Seeking MASTERS
Degree-Seeking MED
Degree-Seeking PHAR
Degree-Seeking VMED

And comparison data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) can be found for the student type = IPEDS-First-Time, Full-Time UGRD for new incoming full-time undergraduate students.

The report allows the user to select the number of years of data they want displayed on the page.

Released: Fall 2012 Student Performance

The Fall 2012 and Summer 2012 Undergraduate Student Performance reports, which contains Term/Cumulative GPA, Credits Completed and Credits Completed Percentage for all campuses, are now available to current students, faculty and staff. Previously, the data was open to a much more limited audience.