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September 2, 2011

Site Usage: June - August 2011

This update covers June 1st - August 31st, 2011 - 91 days. This quarter was marked with an increase in visitors but a decrease in the pages viewed per visit. Over the last quarter the number of visitors increased 35% but the pages per visit decreased 6.5%.


We had 9,647 visits from 6,838 unique visitors during this quarter. Of these visitors, 38,035 pages were viewed, an average of 3.94 per visit. The most visits in one day, 190, occurred on July 26th. Mobile devices accounted for only 3.5% of the traffic, but that is up from 1.4% last quarter.


Who Visited the Site?
Over this quarter we received visits from 95 countries and every state in the US . The top 5 visitor countries (excluding the US) were China, India, Canada, Thailand and South Korea. Chinese language speakers were the largest group of non-native English speaking visitors. The top 5 visitor states (excluding MN) were Wisconsin, Illinois, California, Texas and New York. 3,300 of the visits came from the University of Minnesota network. We received visits nearly 300 different University and College campuses.


The enrollment map had a nearly 400% increase in use from 250 views over the last quarter to 1,200 views this quarter.

Traffic Sources
This month the traffic split was 28% direct / 54% site referral / 17% search engines. A large number of referrals arrive from the Campus Facts page on the umn.edu home page. The Chinese Social Networking site renren.com and collegeportraits.org were two other large contributors of traffic. One visitor came from the University of Minnesota Japanese language Wikipedia page.

440 different combinations of search keywords resulted in a visit. The overwhelming majority of the visits come from a search for "oir", "institutional research", etc, and they generally are recurring visits. The most new visits came from the keyword "enrollment"

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